Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner is a classical guitarist and music publisher from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He originally created this site for his students at the Victoria Conservatory of Music but now shares content worldwide. Curating guitar content helps students absorb the culture, musical ideas, and technique of the classical guitar. Bradford also has a YouTube channel with over 94,000 subscribers and 13 million views. He taught classical guitar at the Victoria Conservatory of Music for 16 years and freelanced in Greater Victoria for 20 years and now dedicates much of his time curating content online and helping connect the classical guitar community. See more at his personal website.

Duo Amaral Play Santórsola

Duo Amaral (Jorge Amaral and Mia Pomerantz-Amaral) performing the 4th movement Finale from Suite all’antica for 2 guitars (1975) by Brazilian-Uruguayan composer Guido Santórsola (1904–1994). Santórsola wrote a ton of music for solo guitar and a bunch of duos as…

Adam Levin – Trimountain by Antón García Abril

Another new work: guitarist Adam Levin plays a world premiere of Trimountain by Antón García Abril. June 16, 2017 at Jordan Hall, New England Conservatory, Boston, MA. This one has some nice colourful textures and a sweet lingering melody with more…

Duo Vela (Guitar and Flute) Play Tedesco

Duo Vela, American flutist Marla Nistico and Australian guitarist Daniel Nistico, perform Sonatina for Flute and Guitar, Op. 205 (1965) – I. Allegretto grazioso by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (1895–1968). The video mislabeled the opus number. Nevertheless, great performance by this young duo…

Thomas Viloteau Plays Music of Memory by Maw

French guitarist Thomas Viloteau plays Music of Memory by British composer Nicholas Maw (1935–2009). One of the great works of the period (1989, rev. 1991), Viloteau pulls it off beautifully. Pretty nice sound too despite it’s just a small room.…

Tips and Advice for Beginner Classical Guitarists

Tips and Advice for Beginner Classical GuitaristsYouTube Video Link This video is part of my free online curriculum at the lesson archive page. This is a lesson for beginner classical guitarists. We’ve already looked at the sitting position, left and right…

Lesson: Arpeggio Patterns on Single Strings

Lesson of the Week for Classical Guitar Practicing Arpeggio Patterns on Open Strings The three main benefits of this are: 1. Increased Right Hand Accuracy, 2. Creation of a compact hand position, and 3. Reminding the thumb to play in front…

Canción y Tango for Guitar and Clarinet by Drozd

Jakub Kościuszko (guitar) & Jan Jakub Bokun (clarinet) play Canción y Tango op. 145A by Polish composer Gerard Drozd. This comes via Gerard Drozd’s YouTube Channel and was recorded live at the Gliwice Guitar Festival. I quite like the guitar clarinet combo…

Adam Levin Plays Espacio de Guitarra by Halffter

Guitarist Adam Levin plays a world premiere of Espacio de Guitarra by Spanish composer Cristobal Halffter. June 16, 2017 at Jordan Hall, New England Conservatory, Boston, MA. Great performance filled with great colours, articulations, and some intense angular rhythms, then lovely section…

Gaëlle Solal plays Villa-Lobos Choros No. 1

French guitarist Gaëlle Solal plays Choros No. 1 by Brazilian composer Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887–1959). This comes via Gitaar, maar waar? and their great YouTube Channel. Great playing by the amazing Gaëlle Solal, this is one of the lighter Villa-Lobos works…

Lesson: Muting Strings During Cross-String Trills

A Lesson on Muting Strings During Cross-String Trills – In this lesson I cover the difference in technique and sound between single-string trills and cross-string trills as well as the resulting pitch and harmonic intervals. Not muting your cross-string trills…

Rondeau in A by David Kellner for Guitar

David Kellner (1670–1748) was a German composer of the baroque period and a contemporary of Bach. He wrote a sizeable amount of compositions for the lute but also theory of music and equal temperament. His diagram of the circle of…

Flute and Guitar Project: Mozart Fantasia in D

The Classical Flute and Guitar Project (Noemi Gyori – flute; Katalin Koltai – guitar) play Fantasia in D minor K.397 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756–1791). This group has been busy playing original works and arrangements by Giuliani, Haydn, Mozart, Nava, Beethoven, Hummel,…