Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner is a classical guitarist and music publisher from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He originally created this site for his students at the Victoria Conservatory of Music but now shares content worldwide. Curating guitar content helps students absorb the culture, musical ideas, and technique of the classical guitar. Bradford also has a YouTube channel with over 94,000 subscribers and 13 million views. He taught classical guitar at the Victoria Conservatory of Music for 16 years and freelanced in Greater Victoria for 20 years and now dedicates much of his time curating content online and helping connect the classical guitar community. See more at his personal website.

SoloDuo Play Sonata no. 8, op. 13 “Pathétique” by Beethoven

The amazing Italian guitar duo SoloDuo (Lorenzo Micheli & Matteo Mela) play Sonata no. 8, op. 13 (“Grande Sonate Pathétique”), I. Grave – Allegro di molto e con brio, II. Adagio cantabile, III. Rondo: Allegro by Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827). This comes via Micheli’s great…

McAllister Lesson: Work through adversity

Matthew McAllister gives a lesson on working through adversity via his YouTube channel. This one is great for a number of reasons: it’s personal, informative, and inspiring. I’ve been wanting to start a similar vlog (rather than a podcast) but I…

Duet: Toy for Two Lutes by Robinson

Bradford Werner and Natasha play Toy for Two Lutes by Thomas Robinson (c. 1560 – 1610) – From the The Schoole of Musicke. This period lute duet is arranged for 2 guitars in score format. It includes notation only and is a PDF download. Includes…

Kevin Cahill Plays Equinox by Takemitsu

Kevin Cahill plays Equinox by Toru Takemitsu (1930-1996). This comes via Open Strings Berlin and their amazing Youtube Channel which has been a new source of high quality productions and great music. Takemitsu is one of my favourite composers. His music has a beauty…

Duo Tandem – Watching the World Go By

Duo Tandem (Necati Emirzade & Mark Anderson) have a new album out titled Watching the World Go By. The above video Before you Wake is the first track off the album and comes via their Youtube.. Here’s promo info, “This…

Duet: Lesson for Two Lutes – Anonymous

Natasha and I play Lesson for Two Lutes – Anonymous – This period lute duet is arranged for 2 guitars. From the ‘Dowland Lute Book’ (Folger Shakespeare Library, Ms. V.b.280). Big thanks to Natasha for joining me. It includes notation only and is a…

Azuline Duo Play Danza by Manuel de Falla

The fantastic Canadian Azuline Duo (Emma Rush, guitar and Sara Traficante, flute) play Danza del molinero by Manuel de Falla (1876-1946). This comes via Emma Rush’s great YouTube Channel. This piece comes from act one of El sombrero de tres picos (The Three-Cornered Hat or Le tricorne),…

Sanel Redžić & Emir Radiševič play Vassiliev

Sanel Redžić (guitar) & Emir Radiševič (clarinet) play Capringo by Konstantin Vassiliev. This comes via Sanel Redžić’s amazing YouTube Channel. Recorded in Jakobskirche in Weimar in April 2018. Love the combo of guitar and clarinet and the recording quality sounds great.…

Julia Lange & Rolando Villazón perform Manuel de Falla

German guitarist Julia Lange & tenor Rolando Villazón perform El Paño Moruno & Asturiana from Siete canciones populares españolas by Manuel de Falla (1876-1946). This comes via Julia Lange’s YouTube Channel. Lange also plays steel-string acoustic and has some great…

RCM Classical Guitar Series 2018 Edition

Classical Guitar Series 2018 Edition – The Royal Conservatory of Music Toronto (RCM) has a new series of graded books for classical guitar to replace the 2011 Bridges Guitar Series. Click here to see the book sampler (PDF). At first…

Aros Guitar Duo – Nocturnal Procession by Frandsen

Aros Guitar Duo (Mikkel Egelund Nielsen & Simon Wildau) play Nocturnal Procession by Danish composer John Frandsen. This comes via Mikkel’s YouTube Channel. Great performance and piece, love the rotating repetitive progression and the thematic development. Also, unexpectedly, love the whistling that is used…

Fingernail Lesson for Classical Guitar

Fingernail Lesson for Classical Guitar By popular demand, a lesson about filing and shaping your nails. This is all about how I shape my nails and might be of interest and a starting point for students. Make sure to see…