Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner

Bradford Werner is a classical guitarist and music publisher from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He originally created this site for his students at the Victoria Conservatory of Music but now shares content worldwide. Curating guitar content helps students absorb the culture, musical ideas, and technique of the classical guitar. Bradford also has a YouTube channel with over 94,000 subscribers and 13 million views. He taught classical guitar at the Victoria Conservatory of Music for 16 years and freelanced in Greater Victoria for 20 years and now dedicates much of his time curating content online and helping connect the classical guitar community. See more at his personal website.

ViennaDuo Play Romanian Folk Dances by Bartok

ViennaDuo with Desislava Dobreva (flute) and Bozhana Pavlova (guitar) play their arrangement of Romanian Folk Dances by Béla Bartók (1881-1945). This comes via ViennaDuo on YouTube. Originally for piano and later orchestrated by the composer. Great performance and arrangement by ViennaDuo with beautiful melodic phrasing and…

Rercercata Bella Collaboration with Elizabeth Pallett

Rercercata Bella, an anonymous Renaissance lute work from the Siena Lute Book. Performance, sheet music, lesson, and discussion for classical guitar or lute. This is a collaboration with Elizabeth Pallett via Luteweb on YouTube (go subscribe) and I had…

Gabriel Bianco Plays Sonata Romántica by Ponce

French classical guitarist Gabriel Bianco performs the first movement Allegro Moderato from Sonata Romántica by Manuel Ponce (1882-1948). Performed from his hometown of Lille, France and performed on a Altamira N500 classical guitar. This comes via Altamira Guitars and their YouTube channel. Ponce wrote a…

Etude No.7, Op.60 by Carcassi

Etude No.7, Op.60 (Allegro) by Matteo Carcassi (1796-1853) with performance, lesson, and sheet music. This comes from my edition of 25 Etudes, Op.60 by Matteo Carcassi. PDF or hardcopy sheet music for classical guitar. Includes both a notation edition with left hand…

Lesson: Left Hand Tension and Relaxation Exercises

Left Hand Tension and Relaxation Lesson and Exercises

Left Hand Tension and Vice Grip Problems: Relaxation and awareness exercises on classical guitar. Make sure you have a good posture, position, and left hand technique before working on these exercises (check out the links below). It’s also very important…

Marco De Biasi Performs Vento d’Inverno 

Marco De Biasi performs his own composition Vento d’Inverno inside the historic 13th-century Oratorio dei Battuti Church in Vittorio Veneto, Italy. This comes via the Omni Foundation online series and their Youtube channel. I’ve posted videos of Marco De Biasi’s excellent playing and compositions a few times…

Sheet Music for Classical Guitar

Advanced Classical Guitar Sheet Music with Videos

Advanced Classical Guitar Sheet Music (Grades 8 and up). This page lists free and premium PDF sheet music at the advanced grade level. All free selections have the word free in red. About this list: I consider advanced to be around the…

Nicole Payie Plays Yradier and Martín

Canadian classical guitarist Nicole Payie performs Mirándote by Eduardo Martín (b.1953) and La Paloma (The Dove) by Sebastián Iradier (1809-1865). This comes via Payie’s new YouTube channel (go subscribe now). Nicole is a good friend and colleague of mine and…

Etude No.6, Op.60 by Carcassi

Etude No.6, Op.60 (Moderato) by Matteo Carcassi (1796-1853) with performance, lesson, and sheet music. This comes from my edition of 25 Etudes, Op.60 by Matteo Carcassi. PDF or hardcopy sheet music for classical guitar. Includes both a notation edition with left hand…

Baroque Guitar Works on a Saers Guitar A90

Baroque guitar works performed on a Saers Guitar A90. Here I’m performing two Baroque guitar works to get a bit more out of the Saer guitar that I recently reviewed. The first work is a beautiful little Aria by Italian…

Why do we need scholarly editions of music?

Why do we need scholarly editions of music? Here is an excellent video on the importance of creating music editions with a scholarly or inquisitive mind. This is outrageously relevant to lute and early guitar scores that include a variety…

Study in C by Tarrega

Study in C by Francisco Tárrega

Study in C by Francisco Tárrega (1852–1909) – PDF Sheet Music and lesson video for classical guitar. Includes a notation sheet music edition with left and right hand fingering followed by a separate tab edition in the same pdf. The level is…