Aria and Capriccio by Francesco Asioli (1645-1676). PDF sheet music and video for classical guitar arranged by Bradford Werner. Includes both a notation-only edition and separate tab edition. Left hand fingering. The technique level is intermediate, around a Grade 6 but it’s a mature work in terms of Baroque performance so some experience is recommended. This is a PDF Download.
My PDF Sheet Music Edition
Francesco Asioli (1645-1676) was an Italian Baroque guitarist and these works both come from his third book Concerti armonici per la chitarra spagnuola, Opera Terzi. Although both works come from the same source book, the pairing of the two into one edition is editorial. See the preface to the edition or the video for more context on my arrangement and performance. Here is the YouTube link if you want to watch my performance and lesson there.

Original Manuscripts